Spanish Presidency Council of the European Union: “High Level Meeting on Mental Health”

The Mental Health Conference  will be bilingual in Spanish and English, and can be followed online.

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The aim of this meeting is to facilitate the exchange at EU level of policies, good practices and projects on mental health, and to support the development of these aspects of mental health and the implementation of the “Healthier together. EU non-communicable diseases 2022-2027”; on mental health, and the European Commission’s Communication “A comprehensive approach to mental health”.

Activities of ImpleMENTAL in Spain will be also showcased focusing on two pilot project currently implemented based on the Best Practice: Reform of mental health care in Belgium aiming deinstitutionalization to facilitate the transition from primarily institutional care to community-based care in order to improve mental health outcomes and quality of life as well as avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations, and Suicide Prevention Austria (SUPRA) -a multi-level suicide prevention strategy that integrates universal, selective and indicated prevention interventions, based on the local implementation context, and building upon existing resources and initiatives.

Throughout the conference, progress in mental health-related health policies will be updated, both at the European Commission level and within the National Health System through the Mental Health Strategy. Current challenges to be faced will be discussed in panel discussions.

There will be presentations in 3 sessions related to key topics:

  • Progress in policies on mental health and mental health initiatives in the EU
  • Mental health for children and young people
  • Prevention of suicide in Europe

#ja-implemental  #EU2023ES #comprehensive-approach-mental-health #EU4HEALTH


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