Register for Training on suicide prevention and media

You are kindly invited to register for the online training on suicide prevention and media that will be held on the 19th of October, 10:00-15:00 MET (online).

Enclosed you may find the final agenda. We will have a great mixture of inputs from research and practice. You will hear from suicide prevention experts who are working to engage journalists in suicide preventive reporting as well as from journalists. We will have exchange about facilitators and barriers for suicide preventive reporting, hear about the most recent updates of media guidelines and have a step by step guide to implementing a Papageno Media Award. For more details and to learn about the speakers please have a look in the agenda.

Anybody can register for this session, so please forward this invitation to people that might be interested in the topic in your country, e.g. to journalists, representatives of policy-making-institutions (e.g. ministries/regional administrations), research (e.g. universities, research centers).

You can register for the training until the 17th of October via the following link:


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