Training –  Mental health promotion in schools in real life regarding suicide prevention

The sixth training within the ImpleMENTAL’s Work package 6 (WP6 – Suicide prevention), “mental health promotion in schools in real life regarding suicide prevention” is an opportunity to get insights into different approaches to this topic from various countries. The training will take place online (via Zoom) on 21.11. 2023 (10:00-15:45 MET)

The training is intended for everyone, NOT ONLY JA ImpleMENTAL/WP6 participants. It might be interesting for representatives of: policy-making-institutions (e.g. ministries), school stuff/support,  research, people with lived experience, and any other people interested in the topic. 

Registration link for the training on 21th  November (please register until 19.11):

The aim of the training is to provide an initial outline of the very complex topic – not a complete overview and coverage of all relevant aspects! However, this does not prevent us from providing important inputs that need to be considered in this topic. We would therefore like to give practical suggestions that should be considered in an implementation (e.g. which age group needs which access or which obstacles and barriers can occur). School is a world of its own, so it is important to consider this particular system in order to avoid unnecessary frustrations in advance. Each country is welcome to decide in advance which parts or inputs they would like to hear and then take these pieces out, like from a box of chocolates.

We look forward to your participation!

Feel free to share the information and the registration link above with persons you think might be interested in this topic.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor granted authority can be held responsible for them.